A man is 35% more likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer than a woman is to be diagnosed with breast cancer.
Growing A Mustache
For Charity
Team AUS Participates in Movember
For Charity
Team AUS Participates in Movember
By Sean Claes
If you’re not familiar with the term, Movember may look like a typo. Let my hairy upper lip assure you, it is not. It’s a movement in fine moustachery that reportedly hatched in Australia in 1999 that has grown into a worldwide phenomena.
During the month of November, men “bring back” the mustache in a fun way to raise awareness for a serious thing – men’s health issues like prostate cancer.
In 2009, Austin got into the mix in a big way with a Movember team by the name of TEAM AUS. With 55 members, they raised more than $18,000.
It’s Movember 2010 and TEAM AUS is at it again.
As of November 9, 2010, TEAM AUS was 141 members and is currently sitting in at number 14 in the nation. The goal of the team is to be 250 members and raise $100,000. “With this team and this goal, we will go a LONG way to help raise awareness around men's health and help to raise funds to wipe out this horrid disease,” Aaron Strout, CMO of Powered and TEAM AUS captain, said.
Strout promised that the benefits of participating, other than the obvious one about raising awareness and funds, include meeting new and interesting people in the area at the events throughout the month, being part of a national team, and attending the gala being planned on December 2, 2010 at Highball ($10/person). Sound good to you? Why not join and/or donate via this link - http://bit.ly/atxdonate.
I am a member of TEAM AUS. I decided at the end of October that I was going to grow a mustache for November… but didn’t join a team. That’s when Strout invited me via twitter.com. So, I accepted and now I have a bunch of Mo-Bros and Mo-Sistas who are in support.
Yes, there are Mo-Sistas. The fun and fundraising isn’t limited to the men folk... and it’s not limited to those actually growing a mustache. Anyone who wants to participate is invited. Plus, the donations that are raised from November will go to two worthy causes: The Lance Armstrong Foundation and Prostate Cancer Foundation.
Now, I could go on and on naming stats like the one at the beginning of this story and things like “a man dies from prostate cancer every 19 minutes” which, while true, may read like words on a screen for folks. So, I thought I’d ask members of TEAM AUS to let INsite know what motivates them to participate. Perhaps one of these answers will MOtivate you or a loved one to take a closer look at their health situation. At the end of their motivation is the link to their personal MOspace page. If you’d like to donate to them, just click.
Again, If you’d like to make a general donation to the TEAM AUS or join the team, go here: http://bit.ly/atxdonate

Marketing Director
How often does someone have the opportunity to be a part of something huge? Being Part of a community of people successfully changing something that impacts everyone's corner of the world.

Too many of my friends and family members have fought the battle against cancer. Way too many. This is but my small part to help in their battle.

Director of Digital Media, Ridgewood: Ingenious Communication
My father had prostate cancer and beat that sucker with grace and moxie. Others aren't so lucky and I understand it's hereditary.

Mobile & Social Marketing Consultant
My Uncle Billy, a fun-loving crazy character, is currently fighting Stage 4 Prostate Cancer that has spread to his bones and joints.

Director of Marketing at PhoenixHomes.com
I know at least 5 of my friends and co-workers, who are males and have/had different types of cancer. A couple of months ago my father had recently his thyroid removed due to cancer as well. We try to donate to ACS through our work at PhoenixHomes.com regularly, and Movember makes it more fun. It's a worthy cause - let us deal with it today, so our kids won't have to! Oh yea, and stache is a bonus :)

Owner, INsite Magazine
At first, it was just an excuse to grow a 1970’s porn star mustache, but then I remembered a friend from church who had a testicle removed just before graduating from High School last year due to cancer. He’s now married and moving forward with life because he was smart and got checked early.

Consultant (Finance/Business Intelligence)
I wanted an excuse for a great stache...but then I realized that I do know people that have been directly affected. Now it's for them.

I'm participating in #Movember just to support all of my awesome Mo Bros! Love seeing the crazy mustaches that appear in the month of Movember for this great cause.

Business Development, Emma Inc.
Great way to finally put this rapid growing facial scruff to good use. And most importantly, supporting other members of Team Austin who have themselves, or friends and family, been effected by prostate cancer.

Director of Ecommerce - Calendars.com / Calendar Holdings / Calendar Club
Excuse to grow a mo, but obviously the real reason is to support causes that help with men's health issues. We've all been touched by the horrific occurrence of a family member or friend having cancer. This is a fun way to support research etc in hope that fewer and fewer people have to suffer.

Owner | Archemy Design
One month in the life of Tom Selleck and an ongoing mission to save our boys down under.

Selling smiles @ ExactTarget
To educate myself, family, and friends about the prevalence and severity of men's cancer (what, we guys are supposed to just grin and bear it?:) and to raise $$$. I've also never been able to grow a decent moustache (wife hates them and my hair does not get soft...ever). Maybe it'll be different this time since it's for a terrific cause?

Business Development at Kashmoo.com and BestFit Media
I'm a two-time testicular cancer survivor and hope none of my brothers have to go through what I went through.

Sr. Marketing Manager @ Convio
I want to eradicate Cancer & I've never had the guts to grow a mustache. Seemed like a great chance to man up and experience the majesty of Movember.

Enterprise Marketing at Dell
I've participated in the Livestrong Challenge a few times before to raise awareness and money to fight cancer. Last year a former college roommate was diagnosed with testicular cancer during a routine physical. He was fortunate and they caught it early. He underwent surgery and chemo treatments and is now one nut lighter and cancer free (for the time being). He has a strong network of family and friends that helped him through it. Not everyone is so fortunate. I want to do my part to help other men who are fighting cancer.

Principal, Agile Set, LLC
Hey, everyone's doing it, right? No, really. Movember is our turn to step up. Also, one of my best friends back in Virginia lost a testicle to cancer ten years ago. That really woke us all up.

Sales Coordinator for Powered, Inc.
I think it's a great cause and I love participating in these type of events. Any time I see a creative opportunity to do something fun for a good cause, I'm an advocate.

Associate, WCG Insights
My mother had cancer, obviously not prostate cancer, but you know, it's all about finding a cure. So, let the dudes grow 'staches and I'll be a cheerleader for the team.
Director of Marketing, Invodo
I'm a husband and a father. I've been fortunate in that my life hasn't been closely touched by men's cancers. But my number could be up anytime. And my son Joe is three. I'd like to see him live a long, healthy life without having to worry about cancer. Since one in two men are diagnosed with cancer at some point, either he or I are likely to face it. So that's why.

CMO at Powered Inc
I have two close friends that have either lost (or will soon lose) a family member to men's cancer. And then there's my boy, Sonny Johns, who is a two-time cancer survivor (testicular). For me, taking this cause on head on allows me to do a lot of good (awareness and fundraising) in a short period of time... and I get to meet a lot of new people doing it.
http://bit.ly/atxdonate (Team Movember Page)

Instalations CAS
I'm growing my stache because it looked fun. Just after starting my first Movember, my grandfather passed away due to cancer. Now I participate in his memory.

Senior Account Manager @ Convio, Inc.
My grandfather lost his life to prostate cancer, my mother is a colon cancer survivor, my uncles are kidney and prostate cancer survivors so… this is personal. If my genes have anything to do with it, statistically cancer and I could eventually meet and I'd rather do so with a creepy Mo lettin it know who's the MFing boss.

VP of Products at Spredfast
Last year, it was for fun and for a good cause. This year it is personal. My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer in July, and had surgery in October. He is doing well, and we are participating together (along with my brother and brother-in-law) to celebrate getting through this part of the process.
http://us.movember.com/mospace/325828/ (James)
http://us.movember.com/mospace/831300/ (James’ dad, Merton)
About the beneficiaries:
The Prostate Cancer Foundation (www.pcf.org) uses the money raised by Movember to fund research that is accelerating the discovery of better treatments and ultimately a cure for prostate cancer.
LIVESTRONG (WWW.LIVESTRONG.ORG) uses the money raised by Movember to fund important programs to support young adults and their families battling and surviving cancer.
Movember Gala
December 2nd @ Highball (1142 S. Lamar St)
Start: 8:00pm End: 2:00am
(Movember participants can "earn" up to two tickets. One for raising $100, and another at $200)